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Six days has passed and my level of excitement has not decreased one bit! Last week Friday, I received the news that I will be heading to my first choice to start my Family Medicine Residency Training. To my surprise, my nervousness was equivalent to the feelings I had prior to receiving the news that I matched that Monday. My stomach was continuously turning and my palms grew sweaty. The clicking of the mouse pad grew in the silence of the bedroom. I was constantly refreshing the National Residency Match Program website but instead I received an email notification. All of a sudden, my hands started trembling. A million and one thoughts raced through my mind in the matter of one second. DID MY FIRST CHOICE CHOOSE ME? WHERE WILL I BE FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS OF MY LIFE?

I will remember those emotions forever. I opened the email and was overjoyed with excitement because this is what I've been working towards. I have not only matched, I matched into a GREAT learning residency program where I can master my medical knowledge and become a competent family physician.

"Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations" - Oliver Goldsmith

You maybe asking "Why would she end with this quote?". I am excited with the news of matching into my first choice for family residency training; however, getting to this position was not without its challenges. Life is not without obstacles. We may not know our neighbor's challenges but no one is exempt. I leave you with this. What exactly are your actions when you are faced with challenges? How do you learn from it? How do you use it to make you stronger?

All the best!

Dr. A

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